The Share sheet icon is located all over your iOS device. You’ll find it in Music, Notes, Safari, Mail, Photos, but it’s also available in many other apps. Dig into your apps and find out where it’s located. In this post I’ll be using the Photos app to show you how it works.
As you’re browsing and creating content on your iPhone and iPad, you may just want to share or save something that you’ve come across. Here’s how to do that.
How To Use the Share Sheet
- Find something you want to save or share
- Tap the Share icon
- The Share Sheet will appear
The Share Sheet features 3 main sections. On the top you’ll see your most frequently used Contacts, using the messages App, then any Air Drop Contacts who are close by.
The middle row is a selection of Apps, which you can tap on to send the item to that particular app or a contact in your mail. So here you can share to FaceBook, Instagram, Mail and many others.
In the lower section you’ll see a list of options such as Print, Copy, Save to Files. Depending on what you have on your iPhone and iPad, this could be a very long list.
How To Customize App Sharing In Share Sheet
- Tap the Share icon
- Swipe to the Left on the app sharing bar, now tap More
- Select Edit
- Tap the + sign to add an app so that it will appear in your share sheet and not the more section
- Tap the – sign to remove a favorite
- If the toggle switch is off you can toggle it on so that it appears in the Share Sheet. When turned off that app won’t appear in the Share Sheet, but will appear in the suggestions, in
- the More section.
- Tap Done
- Then tap Done again to save your changes.
How To Customize Your Favorites Section
- In an App Tap the Share icon
- Select edit
- Now using the “Hamburger” icon
- tap, hold, and drag the app to the position you want it to appear.
- Tap done
- Now Tap Done again to save your changes.
Siri and Search
In iOS 14 there’s been a development that allows you to remove the Contact Section of your Share Sheet. I’m not sure why you would want to do that but if you never send any pics or documents to people in your Contacts list, here’s how to remove it.
- Open Settings
- Scroll and tap on Siri & Search
- Toggle off Suggestions when Sharing
This truly is one of my favorite features in iOS. Apple continues to improve it and hopefully will surprise us with more in future updates.
I heavily use this feature to share photos in AirDrop and messages. It’s a great way to save PDF’s to your Files app and have access across all your devices.
If you want a more thorough walk-through check out the video below:
Do you have a unique way of using the Share Sheet? I’d love to hear it! Post it in the comment section along with any questions you might have.
Check out the Work With Me page if you need 1 on 1 assistance.
Let me know how I can help you!